This collection unfolds the story of how the passing of my Peruvian/Cuban father affected the way I perceive my cultural identity because of losing the opportunity to learn about my Peruvian heritage. This ultimately has been a positive outlet to process loss, to teach myself about Peruvian textiles, and to feel prideful of my heritage despite not having a traditional upbringing of being taught by my father.
The collection has references of my family through the creation of silhouettes of old pictures. It also is an homage to a silver vase that was gifted to my mother and father as a wedding gift from my great grandparent’s silver business in Lima, Peru. My research explores weavings, bright colors, and the blanket stitches used in Peruvian arpillera fiber art.
photographer: @billycolelanders
mua: @juliamorganfoxmakeup
models: @mylantr @_.omarferreira._
The collection has references of my family through the creation of silhouettes of old pictures. It also is an homage to a silver vase that was gifted to my mother and father as a wedding gift from my great grandparent’s silver business in Lima, Peru. My research explores weavings, bright colors, and the blanket stitches used in Peruvian arpillera fiber art.
photographer: @billycolelanders
mua: @juliamorganfoxmakeup
models: @mylantr @_.omarferreira._